In this unit has been called "projection on the windshield. This ad hoc system of car, capable of projecting data (depending on the model, it could be speed, engine speed, voltage in the system, etc.) directly in front of the driver directly on the windshield.
For the first time such systems have appeared in the military aircraft industry. Different indicators were projected directly onto the glass helmet pilot fighter. A few tenths of a second, which are necessary to translate the view on the dashboard and back, high-speed fighter aircraft, flew hundreds of meters. And all this distance the aircraft passed almost blindly, that is very strong effect on safety.
Automotive industry always took the best from other areas, and the projector on the windshield was no exception. Previously, to enjoy such a device in operation, in addition to fighter pilots, owners were able Corvette Z06, Citroen C6, BMW 5-and 6-series. But now the industry automotive tuning stepped forward, and appeared on the market HUD-portable projectors that are suitable to almost any car model.
HUD-projection on the windshield is a high brightness LED display, which is located on the dashboard and project readings (speed, engine speed, voltage in the system, the temperature of the cooling loop - the number and nature of the displayed parameters depend only on the model of the projector), the frontal glass in front of the driver.
From the model depends on how the device is connected - either directly to the on board system, the car (taking readings from the regular devices), or through the cigarette lighter (takes readings from sensors included with the device). If your car is under warranty, I choose the second option, since one of the conditions for maintaining the integrity of the guarantee is an electric vehicle network.
HUD-projection on the windshield - this is a unique device that provides safety and comfort behind the wheel! You no longer have to constantly distract by the readings, which means you will not be distracted from the road. You always have time to slow down before abruptly stop a car or a pedestrian who jumped into the road, always notice the road signs . The great advantage of such devices is the possibility of sound or color signaling. As soon as one of the values displayed on the windshield, will exceed the permitted limits, you see or hear a special signal system.
HUD CRX-3001 - the simplest version of the projector. Projecting the speedometer is connected to the on board network, exceeding the speed limit may be asked to issue a sound or a color signal (switch able feature).
HUD CRX-3002 - has the greatest number of functions: projecting the speedometer, tachometer, voltage systems, the temperature of the liquid cooling of the introduction marker light has a color indication of the specified limits for all indicators.
HUD CRX-3003 - a model that does not require connection to the on board device (so ideal for cars under warranty). With built-in GPS-antenna device information about velocity device receives from the satellites. GPS-antenna CRX-3003 can also be used for other devices by Blue tooth-channel. Powered via cigarette lighter.
You can no longer worry about the readings of the instruments - the system of projection on the windshield takes care of this. And you have to do is enjoy the process of driving!
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